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Default configuration setup for bahmni.
Bahmni EMR Frontend code for Clinicians and staff members, written in Angular.JS and React
Core OpenMRS modules for Bahmni (including ERP & ELIS Atom Feed Clients)
Fork of OpenELIS for managing Lab workflows (Tests, Results, Samples, etc).
HIP module for exposing HIP specific features from OpenMRS.
This repo contains code for ABDM health Id verification feature.
Odoo Demonstrations
“Health Information Provider” refers to clinical establishments which generate or store customer data in digital form. These include hospitals, primary or secondary health care centres, nursing homes, diagnostic centres, clinics, medical device companies and other such entities as may be identified by regulatory authorities from time to time
Docker compose setup for Bahmni with India ABDM modules and services.
Bahmni configuration for Clinics and Small Hospitals (packaged with Bahmni LITE)
Openmrs module for Bahmni IPD Care and Monitoring